It takes every ounce of courage for me to get on an airplane (and a little medication) - I am not a good flyer. I used to be but somewhere between 30,000 feet and turbulence I developed a fear of flying. Since I fly to Utah monthly I take many things with me onto the plane for entertainment - anything that will keep my mind off of me hurtling through space at 600 miles per hour. This last flight I noticed something that thoroughly occupied my thoughts - and happily so...over the engine on the wing there is a little compartment...that contains, see for yourself:
I feel quite certain that this compartment contains either Estee Lauder and L'Oreal lipstick, based on the shape of the tube...I like to think they were carrying my color, Warm Woody Nutmeg, I only wish they would have handed some out with their peanuts. This was a Southwest flight so I don't know if all airlines carry lipstick or just Southwest - do you?!?