It's over...and it was wonderful. The bride walked into her reception and screamed with joy - she said is was more than she could have hoped we did our job and then some! It was a l o n g day and when I limped to the bed and crawled in, the mister said something about slave-labor and the first thing that popped into my head was it's good practice for MY next wedding...of course, I swallowed those words, along with a handful of vicodin, and went right to sleep. It was not slave-labor but a labor of love and even though the mister was chidding me he was there helping to set up with the rest of the slaves and while he hummed "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" he actually managed to be of some use. I mention this because I know it will come as a shock to my family who will not be able to visualize the mister distributing floral arrangements, putting up little white lights and even helping to drape tuille...but there you have it. Once a year the mister serves, so now he's good until 2010.
(You can click on any picture to see it larger.) Those white panels on the wall are actually covers for the fish pictures that are underneath - clever, no? One of our "frosted trees" ...the silver punch bowl held big pink cones of cotton candy - it was the only thing the groom wanted at his reception - cotton candy...yes, he's young.
Why does someone's foot always end up in pictures?!? Sheesh! The fireplace and mantel were really much prettier in person! I really tried to think of a way to cover those salmon on the wall...but then I remembered how revered the salmon is in the really, it was an honor to have them up there...the ice cream sundae table - before the onslaught of children...I think my tomato cage chandelier looks pretty darn cute and it did get lots of compliments...perhaps I'll go into the tomato cage chandelier business?!
Alas, I only got one shot of the bride...her dress was unbelieveable...I'm sorry I don't have a better photo of the dress to show you but it was amazing! It was made by Roxanne Teddy, a woman who is an artiste at everything she does - and this dress is truly a work of art. So that's it...once the bride arrived I was in the kitchen with the best women on earth and we worked like crazy keeping everything running smoothly so there was no time for more pictures. There were a few glitches - there always is - but the guests didn't notice and the bride was happy - what more could they ask for?