The nieces flew into town quite unexpectedly over the weekend so I've been trying to keep them entertained - not an easy thing to do! The weather is incredible - we've had perfect summer days and finally it's raspberry picking time! The berries are late this year because of all of the rain we had in June so I'm glad they were here to help - it's the most fun you can have for $1.05 per pound! Of course, they ate as many as they picked, but we still managed to get enough to make jam - 10 pints worth!
Beautiful, no? I'm sure there are lots of jam sandwiches in to be had in the days ahead. I followed the directions on the Sure Jell package and if you decide to make jam that's what you should do no recipe today - just use the one on the box and your jam will be as perfect as mine.
The friends we had to dinner on Sunday asked if I was going to put pictures of them on my blog and I said no - I don't put people on my blog...and he asked if that's because it's a "professional blog" and I said yes as I choked back laughter....Of course there's nothing professional about it! I don't put pictures of people on my blog because most of the people beg me NOT to! Of course, there is ONE person who's face always seems to make Max...I do put his pictures on but really, that's just as a courtesy for ya'll! Because it would be RUDE of me to keep his beautiful little face all to myself!