The weekend was a whirlwind! In between going to a baby shower, seeing Mama Mia (which I loved!) and working in the yard, I also made it to church, helped the boy fumigate his room - otherwise known as cleaning - baked a batch of gingerbread girls and still managed to find some time to sew - here's a peak at what I got done....and what I started:
Cleaning the workroom always turns up some great finds - and this top was one of them! I made this a while back and decided to finish it for the shower - it seems I'm always going to a shower - first the bridal shower then two years later the baby's like clockwork around here! This is made with Aunt Gracie fabric, 6 appliqued blocks and the rest are pieced-it's the perfect size for a newborn but once that baby blossoms I'm afraid it will only be useful to her dolls!
Girls camp is this week - and I was asked to help with a few things...and since the theme is Gingerbread Girls I baked up some goodies for them. I attended girls camp when I was young...I don't have fond memories of it...big spiders, long hikes in sweltering heat, burnt hot-dogs for baking gingerbread girls for them was a small price to pay for not having to go with them to camp!
This project is still "top secret"....I've been working on it for 4 years now...and this year...this WILL be finished! It's all appliqued so it's taking a long time but it's going to be great! I worked on this the other night while we watched Ghostbusters - it was the first time I'd seen the movie since it came out in theaters 24 years ago!
Just ignore those threads - my design wall is sticky so every little thread finds it's way there....these blocks were meant for the American Hero Quilt project but I cut them too small...these blocks are only 4 x 4-inches and they should have been 4 1/2- x 4 1/2-inches...that little half inch makes a HUGE difference! I think they're going to make a wonderful "alphabet" quilt for Max....
And lastly...these fabrics were the motivation for me to get back into my sewing room...I made a quick trip to Nancy's Sewing Basket on Queen Anne Hill Friday...and these Amy Butler fabrics just screamed at me to buy them! Of course, I have to "pet them" and fold and refold and stare at them for at least a week before I dare cut into them...mostly because they were $18 a yard and I just don't want to mess them up! So in the meantime, I'll keep working on the other projects...just hoping to finish one so I can cross it off the list!