My new best friend in Australia, Katy, has been educating me on the Aussie-lingo - and she sent me this link about the infamous Tim Tam Slam - check it out:
In case you didn't take copious notes - here's what you do....first, you get yourself some of these:
Arnott's Original Chocolate Coated Biscuits - available to the masses at World new best Australian friend in America, bless you Kareena, dropped off this lovely treat to me this afternoon. She advised me to try the Tim Tam Slam with hot cocoa - so that's what I did - but like the video said, you can use tea or coffee, but Kareena thinks tea would be horrid!
Now, here's what you do....bite off a corner of the biscuit - turn it over and bite off the opposite corner. Then stick an end in the cocoa or tea or coffee and suck through the biscuit with the other end...but be quick about it! The minute you taste liquid the entire biscuit will be a short nano-second from disintegrating! So immediately turn it over and pop it into your mouth.....YUM! Now, repeat with the remaining biscuits....kidding!
A word of caution for any diabetics out there who are stupid enough to try this...immediately after eating the biscuit, position yourself near a sofa or a bed, so when you fall to the ground from the inevitable coma that will ensue, you will land on something soft. For you non-diabetics...over-indulging in Tim Tam Slams will surely make you diabetic!
Kareena also brought me another "lovely" treat....Spotted Dick. Really, what can I say but...thanks?
Haven't tried it yet - I'm saving that honor for the mister - afterall, he would know more about this than I.