No, he's not here yet!! And I'm getting a little twitterpated with all the waiting...I'm all for inducing - on MY schedule - this waiting for a baby is utter nonsense if you ask me...the only consolation I have is the weather here is lousy - snow off and on again today - so at least I know my daughter's OB isn't out golfing! Finally his nursery is's a quick peek for you:
This is his little crib - the pictures above the crib have sock monkey mats - and the pictures are of the mom and dad with their "other boys"....Symon and Murphy...their dogs who will be seriously displaced once the REAL baby gets home!
Across the room from the crib is the changing table - and more sock monkeys, monkeying around. I painted the vines on the light blue walls - at first my daughter wanted a tree but then she changed her mind and opted for vines - I think it was a good choice...the leaves on the vines match the light in the room.
The lonely needs the baby....
My mom gave my daughter the little rocker - she even painted it herself. The bear sitting in the rocker is made from an old mink coat - years ago I met a lady in Minnesota, Mrs. Sipple, and she made bears out of old fur coats. I was fascinated - and she graciously told me all her secrets to cutting fur - and then the fur really flew! I've made many real fur bears over the years - I'm always on the lookout for old furs - in good condition - but this bear was one of the ones we bought from Mrs. Sipple before she divulged her secrets! I'm surprised the dogs haven't torn it to shreds!
This is hard to see but the valance in the room was made with coordinating fabric and it has a thick rope attached to the front with little sock monkeys hanging from it...Much cuter in person!
Here are just a few of the clothes this baby has...he's certainly not going to go bare...Lyndsey was blessed - no other word for it - she waited a long time for this baby and her family and friends celebrated with her by giving her not one, not two, not three but FOUR baby showers! The rest of this closet looks like the inside of a Babies R Us!
The dad still needs to get the cover for this cord - but in the meantime it hangs free....the sock monkey on the door of the closet belonged to Lyndsey when she was little - I made it for her. She played with it for about 5 minutes and then tossed it into her toy box where it remained virtually untouched for 20 years. She was a Cabbage Patch girl - so sock monkey held no fascination for her.
Well, that's it...I love his little room - it's warm and cozy and all it needs now is the baby!!!