Living in Seattle, the prettiest place on the planet, I sometimes forget all that it has to offer - but when an out-of-towner drops in, I get to play tour guide and see the city through their eyes....first stop, Pike Place Market...and Uli's Sausage, only the best sausage in the world...2nd stop- the flying fish counter where we picked up some nice scallops for our feast later that night...3rd stop - the Spice Market to buy the 7th Wonder of The World Spice which is most excellent on fish....4th stop - DeLaurentiis Italian Market w
here we headed straight to the cheese counter for a nice slab of Pecorino, sharp cheddar and some French butter - which is creamy butter with coarse sea salt pieces - it's a mouthful of fun...5th stop - the French bakery to pick up chocolate filled croissants, 6th stop - the Russian bakery for their cheese and onion rolls, 7th stop - Post Alley where we wound our way in and out of the funky clothing shops trying to get high on the smell of incense...8th stop - Sur LaTable, just to dream...then we finished off our tour back at the little donut place where they churn out hot mini-donu
ts sprinkled with sugar for $2.
50 a dozen....heaven
The next best thing to touring the market - for a tourista - is riding the ferry. The crossing to Bainbridge Island is 35 minutes and the time flies while one sips a hot cocoa and tosses back a silo of popcorn ....
Even on a gray, drizzly day, the skyline is incredible - and riding a ferry can make you feel sunny!