I waited all winter for this...SNOW! And last night it finally came! This is what greeted me when I went to let Caesar Beezer The Wonder Dog out for his piddle...I wish I could have captured the look on his face - he loves snow - he saw it, looked back and me and smiled - he does that - and off he went - hopping and jumping all over! Snow in Seattle is rare - and Snow in Seattle in MARCH is rarer than steak tar-tar on a vegan's plate!
Before the snow, and Caesar's late night adventure...there was dinner - his and hers. First I'll show you mine....Chinese Chicken Salad. It's one of my very favorite things to eat - I can never get enough of the dressing and I love the crunch of this salad. When we tried to adopt a baby from China, years ago, before things really got moving over there, I subscribed to some list on line for parents waiting for their baby...and every other comment was about food and usually included a recipe. I must have printed off reams and reams of recipes for "Oriental Chicken Salad" or "Asian Chicken Salad" or "Hong Kong Chicken Salad"....so this salad is a compliation of all of those.
Chinese Chicken Salad - Pots and Pins
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 cup slivered almonds
2 cups chopped cooked chicken breasts
1/2 head Napa cabbage, washed, drained and thinly sliced
1 cup julienned carrots
4 green onions, finely sliced
1 package Ramen noodles, broken into small pieces
3 tablespoons Soy Sauce
5 tablespoons sugar
1/3 cup Rice vinegar
1/2 cup peanut oil
1 teaspoon black pepper
In a small skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat and add sesame seeds and slivered almonds. Stirring constantly, toast until lightly browned, being careful not to burn, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat to cool. Combine chicken, cabbage, carrots, green onions and Ramen noodles, sprinkle slivered almonds and sesame seeds over all. Mix well. Make dressing and pour over salad, tossing to coat. Serves 4.
So this is what I had for dinner - and it was delicious - down to the very last bite....and the mister, who claims to not like this salad even though he picks at it out of the bowl with his fingers when he thinks I'm not looking, wanted something really special for dinner - he had an entire night of basketball to watch and he needed HIS comfort food...so this is what HE had:
This morning - the snow is still here - and even though it's already beginning to melt - it's such a beautiful sight! Time to get out there and make a snowman!