We woke this morning to the most beautiful sight! SNOW! It rarely snows in Seattle, so when it does, everything is transformed into a Winter Wonderland - and everything also comes to a complete halt....the kids run outdoors with mittens on, pulling sleds and head for the nearest hill...and anyone with any brains stays put....no use trying to drive in snow around here as we have no snow plows and no one knows how to drive in snow! Best to stay home and enjoy the scenery. This was taken off our back deck - we do live in paradise!
The Frosty Family enjoying some winter fun....
The mister putting the final Christmas decoration on the house before the big "blizzard" hit!
Picking out the perfect tree is always a good time - no matter WHAT we had to pay for it! $10 a foot - that's arboretum robbery!! Especially when we're surrounded by Christmas trees that grow in our yards! Sheesh!
The tree - decorated and ready for Santa's visit....looks like some of the ornaments need a little work! And the angel, who isn't showing in the picture has fallen forward, looking rather like a drunk angel - do angels drink? Note to self....get the glue gun and get 'er fixed!
The kids tree....well, it's really my tree and it's my all-time favorite. I love the snowmen! I purchased the big snowman head on top in San Francisco a few years back - I was there with girl friends and we just had the best time - every time I look at this tree I'm reminded of those crazy women!
Can't be Christmas without a Teddy Bear picnic!