I know, I know, this is supposed to be a food and quilting blog....but a friend just sent me this video link and after watching it I just felt like I needed to pass it on....if you travel and stay in hotels, then you've probably used the nice, sparkling clean glasses on the counter that the hotel provides....I know I have - and I have always assumed that these glasses were CLEAN! I never entertained the thought that I could get Ecoli or salmonella or HERPES or worse - a STAPH infection from drinking out of one of these glasses! Sheesh! It's enough to make me want to run to REI and purchase a tent for my next vacation! Please click on the link below and watch the video and when packing for your next trip....pack some Clorox wipes! And while we're on the subject of hotels/motels....NEVER sit on the bedspread...NEVER! Unless you plan on carrying a CSI Infared light in your luggage, so as to see all of the "fluids" that are on those spreads....just know that they are laundered on the 12th of Never....rip those suckers right off the beds immediately....as to the blankets....well, they are laundered on the same day as the spread....so, if you're staying in a "cheaper" hotel - one that does not triple-sheet the bed, then call Housekeeping immediately and ask for another sheet - put this clean sheet over the blanket and then you can rest in peace - unless there are bed bugs, but that's a post for another day. I shall consider this my good deed for the day....and if you pass it along, to some unsuspecting tourista, then you can consider it your good deed for the day too!