On my last post for the Best Hot Cocoa, I left out the MILK!!! Egads - how can you make the Best Hot Cocoa without MILK!!! Sean was nice enough to email me and let me know.....it should read 2 cups milk....and I've now corrected this so if you printed out the recipe before, make sure you add 2 cups milk or reprint it now! Whole milk or 2%....either is fine. Thanks to Sean - I'm so sorry!
I shall take a page from my daughter's book....when she was younger and got caught doing something she shouldn't, she would immediately say, "I've already punished myself....there is nothing you can say or do that would make me feel worse!" She almost took all the joy out of parenthood right then and there!
So, I shall now go and punish myself for this egriegious error....or at the very least, polish my dunce cap.