Wasn't Zoom just the coolest thing last March? And now, after 8 months of meetings on Zoom, sitting in front of the computer, Zoom is just another reminder of how far we have sunk! Meeting on Zoom is just not that same as meeting in person, especially when it comes to seeing quilts. Last week our quilt group met on Zoom, it was great to see everyone's face in a little square but once again we were slapped with reality as to how much our lives have changed. One thing that hasn't changed with our group though is their creativity, not even Covid can do away with that!

Stephanie, as usual, was the only one who showed up in costume for our meeting. If you can't tell, she is a GangSTIR, and she's holding a wooden-spoon Tommy gun. Over the top clever! Stephanie encouraged us to send pictures of things we have been working on to her and she put them in a power point so we could see everything - Stephanie isn't only clever, she's smart, too!

This is what Barbara and her husband have been working on for the last month - a fairy house! They had to have a tree cut down but saved the stump and created this "neighborhood sensation." I have driven by this many times and every time I do I see someone standing nearby the fairy house admiring it. They decorated it for Halloween so I'm sure it will be lighted for the holidays, too! It's really amazing. If you come to Seattle you must see Pike Place Market, Snoqualmie Falls and the Moultons Fairy House!

Barbara showed us her friend's Halloween quilt. Unlike the witch-hat quilts we've seen before, this one has cute blocks scattered between the hats. Every time I see a witch hat quilt, I think I need to make one and now after seeing this I'm certain I do!

Jenny showed us her tuffet. She started this before Covid and when she decided to finish it she needed a bit of help. Myra, who used to work at Quiltworks and is now at Gossypium (we all know and love Myra) offered to finish it for Jenny and she did! But that's not the amazing part about this, nope, the amazing thing is Jenny is giving this to her neighbor as a surprise gift! What?!?!?! Jenny's generosity knows no bounds, read on for more proof...

This beautiful quilt is called Pumpkins and Cream and it's a pattern from Fig Tree Quilts. It was made by Generous Jenny for another one of her neighbors as a surprise birthday gift! Seriously, who does that?!?!? I want to move to Jenny's cul-de-sac, don't you?!? Lucky! Lucky! Lucky!

I posted pictures of this quilt before it was quilted, so it might look familiar. Terry quilted this and as you can see, the quilting is pure genius. Jenny added special touches to this quilt, like the banner the little bunny is holding that reads, "Brown Lives Matter." And I think the bottom right bunny car has 2020 on it, for her son's high school drive-by graduation. This quilt is embellished with hand-made and vintage buttons, it is absolutely beautiful. Way to go Jenny, oh, she's keeping this one!

This is Mary's pumpkin quilt. I wasn't able to enlarge it but I think you can still see how wonderful it is! Love the pieced border and the different fabrics in each pumpkin. Mary's quilt are always a surprise, and usually large. She has such a good eye for colors, too.
I didn't even get my Halloween quilts out this year, no Halloween decorations either. It was quite sad at The Slaughterhouse until October 30th. Then the boy flew into action and hauled all of his scary creatures out of the storage unit and began assembling them. By the time dusk arrived on Halloween night The Slaughterhouse was up and operational and some creatures were so scary I had to keep my distance! We didn't know if we would have any trick-or-treaters this year but we had about 75 people come by, a lot of them said they missed the donuts, we did, too! (We've made donuts on the driveway for the last 2 years and this year we tried to figure out how to do it and keep everyone safe but finally came to our senses and scraped the idea; next year we'll double the donuts!) It would have been the perfect Halloween, too...a full moon, mild temps, NO RAIN and it was on a Saturday!!! Damn Covid!
I won't bore you with all of the gory details but I do want to show you a few pics from our Halloween. The boy has gone off the deep end with this stuff but what can I say? I raised him! Halloween was always a big deal for my kids but somewhere along the way the boy took it to another level. No cute-sy, sweet scarecrows or Casper the Ghosts, he's all about the scare! Almost all of his creatures have motion sensors to when someone walks close to them they start waving their arms and talking - and for a good two hours Halloween night it seemed like they were all talking/screaming at once!

Poor Rosie was not amused by any of the boys crap. And this is just a sampling of what he put up this year! He was up late Halloween night pulling everything down and then Sunday morning he said he was up early and hit the Spirit Halloween stores to buy a few more things at half price! Now you know why he pays for a storage unit!!! Crazy is as crazy does! Okay, back to quilts...

Stephanie isn't one to sit idly by watching K-dramas, she's got to be busy creating! These are a couple of rocks she painted, she's probably painted an entire quarry in the last few months!

After making masks, Stephanie scooped up the threads and fabrics pieces behind her machine and she ended up with a "nest" of sorts. She used this picture as the cover for a project she created called Connecting Threads. Can't you just see this in a museum?

This was something Stephanie created, and I wish I could remember what it was for, sorry, old brain. She wrote the poem that accompanied the seam ripper picture. Hate using a seam ripper, but love this!

This is a quilt Stephanie made and gave to someone who donated to Obliteride this year. (Stephanie said they raised over $7,000 for Obliteride this year!!) Those fabric pieces in the center of each block were part of another quilt. Stephanie took that quilt apart (!!!) and added polka dot fabrics to them to make this fun and happy quilt. Again, so clever!

The picture on the left was drawn by Stephanie's grandkids, and it will be part of a book Stephanie is writing. The picture on the right are all of the scarves Stephanie has made in the last few weeks that will be donated. See? She is a whirling-dervish-of-busy-ness!!

Marsha is a force of nature or maybe just a force, she doesn't let anything get her down, including Parkinsons. She is tackling this easy/difficult quilt and I know she will make sure it lines up perfectly. Cute fabrics, bright and cheerful and Marsha said she is keeping this one!

One more from Stephanie. You might remember the CD weavings our group helped her with several years ago. And by helped I think we made about 10 and Stephanie made about a thousand. Her weavings were shown at the Bellevue Art Museum and this framed piece was in her husbands office for a while but now she said it needs a new home. It's large, so it needs a large wall...I think she said it's 50 x 50-inches?? It's for sale, $1,500 is a steal for this amazing piece of art. I would buy it but we don't have any walls to speak of!! How about you??

I'll end with this quilt top I made. It's not my favorite, in fact I really don't like anything about it. Not sure why I even made it! I got some suggestions about how to finish it, adding a multi-colored border was one idea but at this point I think it's just got to sit in the pile to age a while before I even thing about what to do with it. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. This time I definitely lost!
Happy quilting! Happy November! Stay safe and wear a damn mask!
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