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Blah, Blah, Blah...

  • Fabric and Quilts...
    Being a quilter for over 30 years, I've learned one thing that's for sure (as my good friend Ops - short for Oprah - would say) and that's this: You can't go wrong if you buy too much! You will never be forced to have a "close enough" fabric in a quilt again! I've always said that I make 30-foot quilts - or put another way, quilts that look good from 30 feet away! One day I hope to make "inchers." In the meantime, as I struggle to make points match, I'm happily trying to cover every bed, sofa, and chair in my house with a quilt - that's normal, right?
    We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience and live without heart; We may live without friends; we may live without books; But civilized man cannot live without cooks. He may live without books, what is knowledge but grieving? He may live without hope, What is hope but deceiving? He may live without love, What is passion but pining? But where is the man that can live without dining? Owen Meredith...or as I like to call him.... The Earl of Sandwich

Time To Read



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One-Line Bio

Family, Food, Friends and just doesn't get any better than that!


I'm a mom of two, grandma of one, wife of BS, those are his initials - what do you think they stand for?! I love to create - in the kitchen or in my workroom or in the garden - coming up with new things is what keeps me going. I’m also a maker of mostly unremarkable quilts and sometimes an author of children's books and quilt books.....I've been working on a cook book for years -but don't hold your breath. Living in the Northwest provides me with inspiration (and just a tad bit too much precipitation) but I’m not complaining, it’s the most beautiful place on the planet. I would be completely happy if I could eat, quilt AND write at the same time - but, talented as I am (that's a joke) I've yet to master that!


knitting, gardening, watching movies, reading, painting, sewing, antiques, baking, eating, shopping! hanging out with family and friends, and did i mention eating?